LEGALEYE Publication is a unit working under the guise of our law firm “LEGALEYE”. The publication unit is publishing the books on varied subjects of law.
The CEO and Founder of LEGALEYE, Mr. P.S. Khurana have authored various books on the subject of law and have received acclaim from the students of law. The title “The Treatise on Land Laws” authored by him is the recommended/suggested book of Punjabi University, Patiala, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
LEGALEYE has now started the publication under the name “LEGALEYE Publications”. The authors are invited for publication of their books under the banner of LEGALEYE Publications on different subjects of law. The authors who are interested for publication of their books may send manuscript of their work at [email protected]
Following are the titles published or upcoming of the LEGALEYE Publications:-

Following books have been authored by Mr. P.S. Khurana:-